That one purse that happens to carry it all.
We all have had one of these before. A purse that is overfilled. One that is so full that it is too heavy tote around, but we still find ourselves carrying that heavy purse around. Within that heavy purse, there is really only one thing of importance. Yet, we still tote around all the extra baggage making way for a heavy purse that is not necessary.
I have found that not only does my purse feel extra heavy, carrying items I do not need, but so does my life at times. You know that feeling? “A full plate you got there!” is the saying we hear when our lives are over filled and busting at the seams with activities, jobs, school, even the daily tasks of parenting. It will eventually come to a point where it is miserable to carry around. I, too, fall into this category more often than I would like.

How does a heavy purse with only one thing of importance even happen?
As a mom of three, I already have my hands full. Making sure all the kids are fed and taken care of is enough to manage on its own. I can’t forget my husband or the 4 animals that inhabit our home. (I sometimes question myself on the decision of having 4 animals with 3 kids.) Then on top of this, I can’t say NO. I will add every activity, every volunteer opportunity, and 3 jobs just to feel of importance and make everyone else happy. But what about me? What does God say about having a full plate that is overflowing with chaos? Is there enough room for that one thing of importance, God?
It becomes difficult to prioritize when you are already busting at the seams with a heavy purse. Think of it this way. You know you want that ONE thing. You go digging around in that heavy purse. Are you able to find it right away? Quite possibly you put it in a side pocket for easy reaching. If not, you will more than likely be dumping out every single content from your purse to find it.
I have been there before. Is this the way you want to live your life? Constantly scrambling around to find that one thing of importance while also carrying the heavy weight of everything else?
What does the bible say about our burdens and giving it to him?
The manufacturer of your purse did not intend for it to be carrying all the things and to become a heavy purse ready to bust at the seams. It was meant for practicality and comfort. Making your life easier, and at times, make everything just come together. This is exactly what God wants for you. He wants to be the one that you are prioritizing, yet not carrying all the extra baggage that will get in your way of seeking Him fully and enjoying the life that He gave you.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30
Umm, wow! This scripture from the book of Matthew is one that should live your jaw dropped. You see, God does not intend for you to live a life full of misery and burden. He wants you to lean on Him. He wants you to know that He has created you to not only follow Him and share is love for all those around you (and the rest of the world), but to find rest in Him. So if you are carrying around a heavy purse, full of unnecessary baggage, give it all to Him. Toss that stuff to the side!

Come find rest in God. He loves you and wants you all to know this. He crafted your purse to carry alongside you what is truly important, Him.
On that day, God will remove the burden from your shoulder and destroy the yoke on your neck.
Isaiah 10:27
Don’t just sit there, clean out your purse!
After hearing this great news, you should be figuring out all the ways to clean out your purse! Organize and toss out all the things that have cluttered your life. Put that ONE things of importance in the very front and center where it is accessible 24/, God. You have a friend that is struggling with a heavy purse too? Share the good news that God does not intend for us to have a heavy purse. He is here to take all those burdens to make our life light so that we may find rest in Him.
God is always there for you, my friend! Don’t you ever forget it!
The Lord deserves praise! Day after day he carries our burden, the God who delivers us. Our God is a God who delivers; the Lord, the sovereign Lord, can rescue from death.
Psalm 68:19-20

Other uplifting reads: Loosening Fears Grip on Your Life, Do you listen to the Calling?