My kids have been all about volcanoes lately…lava, designing them, and making them erupt. There is nothing better than watching your child be excited about something educational! In this activity,…
Fun with Bottled Lava Activity
We have recently been on a volcano kick lately…the recent rainy day marathon has had my kids stir crazy and eager to find ways to make things go ‘boom’ or…
When It’s Raining His Blessings
Oh rain! You know that feeling we get when we look out the window to a nasty, dark and rainy day, blah! There are times when we take this weather…
Wonders of the Comet
It’s Memorial Day Weekend and we are taking advantage of all this family time! I tried to think of some fun Memorial Day type activities to do, and for some…
Moon Sand: Fun & Easy Activity
Sand…that one word can make me slightly cringe when I think of combining it with my kids. It almost has the same effect on me as does play dough, just…
What Can Be Expected From Long Car Rides with Kids
Earlier this month, we took a Cook Family vacation to Lake Lure, North Carolina. This family vacation included my family of 5, my brother in law’s family of 4 and…