When you have a hacked Facebook nightmare.
Having any of your accounts hacked is practically a nightmare. I know there are worst things in this world to worry about. When it comes to having your entire business shut down as well as all your personal memories that were uploaded, it can be a bit devastating. I felt the wrath of all of this starting this past Saturday. Here is my account of a hacked Facebook nightmare.
I never thought I would be one.
I honestly never contemplated getting hacked. I had all the added security measures in place for both my Facebook and Instagram accounts. On top of that, I felt like I was somewhat aware of the possibility I shouldn’t fall for any fake emails. That was until I received this one.
Now looking back, I can pinpoint all the spots where this email was not the ‘real deal’. As a content creator and blogger, most of the hacker emails I have received are all to gain access to my Instagram account. Plus, these emails are always full of lots of grammar errors. If you click the link, it normally brings you to automatically enter your password. That’s a no from me, dawg.
Receiving a hacker’s email.
This most recent email was different. It was coming for my Facebook. The email was acting like it came from Facebook themselves stating that my The Sprouting Minds Facebook page was in danger of being shut down for content that shouldn’t be shared. I was taken back by this email because I knew that I hadn’t done anything wrong. I was so worried about my Facebook page that I did not scroll over the link to see what the IP address was or to double check the sender’s actual email address.

If I were to have done this, I would have realized sooner that this wasn’t a legit email. Once I clicked the link, it brought me to a page that looked like Facebook. It was exactly set up as if I were to make a claim on a case. It is unreal! I entered my details, stating that I had done nothing wrong on my The Sprouting Minds’ Facebook Page. When I went to submit, a box popped up asking for me to re-enter my password for security measures. This is where I believe the hacker got my password.
I was standing in front of my computer when all this was happening. I felt a weird feeling after the password box. Maybe intuition was finally setting in that something was wrong. Then I box popped up on my computer saying that someone added themselves to my Business Manager for The Sprouting Minds. I knew instantly that I had been hacked. I quickly went back to re-set all my passwords. Thankfully I had the 2FA set up for my accounts so that I was able to do this.
Sometimes security isn’t enough.
I tried to get onto my Business Manager to remove this new person, but was unable to do this. Within a few minutes, my entire personal Facebook was disabled due to posts that went against the Facebook Community Standards. Since my business page and Instagram were all connected to my personal Facebook, they were disabled as well. I was unable to see or do anything about my accounts.

Later that evening, I got a message from Facebook saying that my ads were scheduled to run. What?! The hacker had scheduled ads to run from my The Sprouting Minds Facebook page. I had to scheduled any ads. This was all obviously done by the hacker. I am not sure what the is in the ad preview that was sent to me. As of right now, no more scheduled ad emails have been sent to me.

I have also not received any emails stating that I have been removed from admin on my page. I am hoping this was done yet since my Facebook page was disabled so quickly.
Facebook email addresses that are supposedly helpful.
The rest of the nightmare is that I can’t get a hold of ANY ONE at Facebook. I have literally tried everything. I am sending a few emails throughout the day to appeal@fb.com , support@fb.com , and disabled@fb.com . Along with sending countless emails daily, I am also sending support forms. I have not heard from any. Nothing. It is so disheartening to know that all that you do is gone, and you can’t even get help to fix it. I log in every day to the same message saying that my accounts have been disabled until further notice.
There is not a chat available or a number to call. I started a help chat within my Meta Business Manager on my new Facebook page, but have not had a response yet. From what I have heard, you have to either get lucky or know someone who works for Facebook to make sure your appeal and support forms are even viewed. Here is the Facebook Help main page.
The patience is wearing thin.
As a blogger and content creator, we use both Facebook and Instagram A LOT. Most of my collaborations are for Instagram. Knowing that all the work I have put into growing my Instagram over the past 5 years and possibly having to start from zero makes me sick. Some scheduled campaigns have been put on pause due to this.
Take it from me, you can never be too careful. Check all the addresses from senders when receiving emails from those you don’t know. It is sad that we have to do this, but we do. Now, if any of you have a Facebook contact send it my way! Hopefully I will have this hacked Facebook nightmare solved soon! 😉