Becoming a mother has been one my of greatest achievements thus far. As great as it has been on this journey through motherhood, there have been many trial and errors. Finding what diapers work the best, ways to get my children to sleep through the night, and basically learning how to balance life with little ones. The most daunting task has been their feeding journey and how to make sure they were a healthy baby.
I was so overwhelmed when I was pregnant with my first. Would I be able to breast feed or would she be getting formula? What was I going to do in regard to solids when the time was right? What do I need to do to make sure she will be as healthy as possible?
I remember being nervous if she would get all the nutrients she needed to be a healthy baby. From my 1st child to my recent 3rd, I now know that you learn as you go (like Evivo!). Crazy to say, but I view motherhood much like riding a bike. Once learning how to balance motherhood, you must learn what works best and what doesn’t. As with the terrain, each one of my children had different needs and wants. Evivo is one thing that I now know will remain constant along the ride: they are the best probiotics for babies.
Our infants’ feeding journey is so important in our baby’s health. We are helping to establish their base in regard to likes and wants as well as health concerns that can develop over time. Allergies, eczema, childhood obesity and diabetes are all related to diet, particularly to gut microbiomes (probiotics).
Probiotics are naturally found in your gut and help to keep your digestive tract healthy. When a baby is born, he/she has to ‘grow’ these helpful bacteria in order to digest food properly. Probiotics have been found to help with other parts of the body as well, like eczema and allergies. It doesn’t take much to disrupt the gut bacteria and reason why there are probiotics available for consumption to help restore it.
You better believe this momma wanted to find a way to find to provide these probiotics, but how? Evivo is one product perfect for breastfeeding mothers who are wanting to provide a long-life health to their infants!
Breastmilk naturally contains prebiotics that aid in the growth of healthy gut bacteria. Evivo takes advantage of this when it is mixed with breast milk. Evivo helps release nutrients in breast milk to provide a protective environment in the baby’s gut. It also helps develop a baby’s metabolism and immune system .
Evivo builds the foundation for good health that lasts a lifetime.
Evivo, is one product that is a must when it comes to an infant’s long-life health. Evivo significantly reduces the presence of bad bacteria by restoring B. infantis, a specific strain of beneficial bacteria that’s historically been responsible for much of the programming of the immune system and metabolism. Today, it’s missing in 9 out of 10 babies. Its absence is the cause for the disruption and it’s not always symptomatic or seen from the outside.
One interesting fact is that babies who were given Evivo with breast milk saw an 80% reduction in potentially harmful bacteria such as E. coli, clostridia, Staph and Strep. Where those babies who did not receive Evivo had more than 4 times the level of these potentially harmful bacteria. Craziness, huh?!
Here’s to a long-life health for our little ones with Evivo!
Want to learn more about how to have a healthy baby and Evivo? Click here
Want a Promo code?!
For the first 50 readers, you can:
- Receive $10 off an Evivo Probiotics Starter Kit of 4 weeks or more: BLOG5161
- Receive $20 off a 12, 20, or 24-week starter kit: BLOG5162
These codes are active between January 9, 2018 and March 31, 2018. So hurry up to be one of the first 50 readers!
I have heard about probiotics but do not know much about them
I’ve read about the impact gut health can have on SO many areas of life, but I’d never heard of the product you reviewed. Interesting!
This is why we consider antibiotics a last resort in our house – thanks for your review of this product!