Sometimes it only takes a few things for an upgrade, including a WaterHog Doormat.
Spring is officially here, and I’m getting that front porch ready with a simple spring porch upgrade. This time of the year is always exciting. It means beautiful spring weather is on the way. Time for blooming flowers, crawfish boils and unpredictable weather here in Louisiana. You know what else goes well with this combination? An awesome doormat that makes for the perfect spring-inspired front porch. Enter in my WaterHog Doormat.

Putting that simple spring porch upgrade together.
The WaterHog Boxwood Half-Round Doormat was the focal point for my simple spring porch upgrade. The beautiful bluestone color and the boxwood design makes for the perfect start to this upgrade. It truly upheld the beautiful design and high quality from the site form which it was ordered. From there, I added all of my spring decorations and traded out out those wreaths for a spring-inspired version.

I love using door wreathes that can be repurposed each season. For the spring, I just add a spring themed ribbon along with some faux spring flowers. Simple to create! Once I have the wreathes ready to go, it’s time to add some new flowers to the front porch pots. If your weather is ready, you can plant real flowers in 2 oversized flower pots. These will go on each side of the front door. Another option if the weather is not quite to par for planting real flowers is to add faux greenery and flowers. I actually keep faux fern sprigs in our flower pots! I told you all this would be simple.

Add an extra touch of spring to these flower pots with a few more additions. This simple spring porch upgrade includes adding decorative Easter eggs. I put a few colorful twine wrapped eggs into each pot. From there, throw in a couple more extra spring accessories into those pots.

WaterHog Doormat : my review.
Now, let’s talk more about that WaterHog Doormat. If you have never heard about WaterHog, get ready to learn about a doormat that is built to be battered and beloved. A simple spring porch upgrade needs a WaterHog Doormat for many reasons. It truly eats dirt and absorbs water. We have a pool and those water dripping kids have proved that this WaterHog mat can withstand all the water! Bring on all the April showers, pool days, and hurricane rain.
It is also easy to clean, which makes this momma happy. I can quickly hose it down when the dog hair collects like nothing else or those dirty feet have truly made their home in the doormat. The fact that it still has upheld this beautiful vibrant color even though it is straight up in the sun from after lunch to sundown has me baffled. Our own front door hasn’t even been able to stand up to that challenge!

Basically, it is made with the purpose of being heavily used – designed to be disrespected. This makes WaterHog the perfect match for the spring weather with all those April showers, muddy feet from playing outdoors in the beautiful spring weather, and all the dirt from working in those gardens! It truly upholds to all of these standards and so much more. I couldn’t imagine owning another doormat with all my kids and furry family members running in and out of the house.
Upgrading that front porch for spring with ease.
Go ahead and gather all the things for your very own simple spring porch upgrade. As you can see, it really is pretty simple! Head over to WaterHog and check out all their amazing doormats that are perfect match for this upcoming spring and that simple spring porch upgrade.

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