Easy morning routing with a family approved breakfast on-the-go!
How are the morning routines for you all? Do you ever feel like you are just running around like crazy trying to get everyone together and out the door on time? I know that is how our mornings feel like when we don’t have a successful morning routine in place. A family approved breakfast on-the-go always makes our mornings more of a breeze!

What we are eating for breakfast.
I have always thought breakfast was one of the most important meals of the day. For this reason, I make sure my kids eat something before they head out of the house. This is not as easy as it may sound though. Lots of picky eaters inhabit my house, and the picky eating includes breakfast. Finding a breakfast option that is not only quick but also delicious is a huge win because the struggle is that real.

This is where my 2 favorites come into play: the Power Bites and Egg White Patties.
Our breakfast on-the-go: Sausage and eggs.
The Smithfield brand has already been a family favorite, but they have totally raised the bar with their new Power Bites. They are a quick tasty breakfast on-the-go option that are made with real ingredients: real sausage, egg, and cheese. Pop the container in the microwave, and they are ready in 45 seconds!

I have also been a huge fan of Good Food Made Simple for a while. They are made with ingredients that we know and are simple, hence the name. These egg white patties are too good to be true. I pop them in the microwave, and they are ready within 70 minutes. The options are endless too! You can eat them on a bagel or with Canadian bacon or even avocado. A quick and healthy breakfast option.
No more excuses, make time for breakfast.
Thanks to great on-the-go options like these, there are no excuses to miss out on breakfast due to a crazy morning. Whether you are running behind or can’t decide what to fix for breakfast, these are great for grabbing on the go.
Don’t skip out on breakfast because you are short on time. No more excuses when you have great ideas like these two.
Other breakfast posts: https://thesoutherlymagnolia.com/morning-routines-and-a-hard-working-yet-playful-breakfast/ https://thesoutherlymagnolia.com/how-to-maintain-that-morning-routine-during-the-summer/